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The Pub...'s Gutter
We've had a little too much to drink...and we're violent. Really really violent.
Saturday, July 26, 2003
  The fucking post office. They think they can keep me out of there just by putting up a door and a desk? NO! I have climbing powers. One time I climbed on top of a truck just to say I can do this. One time I killed every zoo animal just to have a pile to climb. It's not my fault they put them in separate cages and I'm lazy. I wasn't even drunk that day...or was it night. I don't remember...all I remember is that the guy at the gate said, "Oh crap...I knew I shouldn't have left the oven on." True story. I think I had a point...oh yeah. The post office. I need to write them a letter. How do you address a letter to the post office, though? Do you use a stamp? I won't. What I'm going to do from now on is just write things on all the envelopes that I send...things like, "Fuck you," and "Return to sender," and my personal favorite, "Why don't you come outside you yellow-bellied douche-bags. I have a gun and it has enough bullets for each of your heads to have one. My bottle was full but it is empty because I wanted to be drunk so that I could shoot better." I think that one might be a little long, though. Maybe I'll write it on a package or something. 

Henry Rayker

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